What You Need to Know about Alcohol and Anxiety

Alcohol is a huge part of our culture. TV commercials encourage you to have a drink to relax. Social events and alcohol consumption go hand and hand. However, the relationship between alcohol and anxiety can be more complicated than that. Many adults can safely drink in moderation. For others, alcohol may cause anxiety or aggravate pre-existing conditions.

There are several reasons why alcohol tends to disturb your peace of mind.

One explanation is molecular. Alcohol causes changes in your brain chemicals, including gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) that’s involved in regulating anxiety. When the body’s natural way of regulating anxiety is altered, the system’s ability to learn to regulate itself is diminished.

Your brain adjusts to the sedating effects of alcohol but may have trouble balancing itself again when your blood alcohol content starts to fall. That could leave you feeling more anxious than when you started, and that uneasiness may last for a day or more.

Lifestyle changes and professional help can make a big difference if alcohol and anxiety are disrupting your life. Learn what you can do to turn things around.

Tips for Drinking in Moderation

Prolonged heavy drinking often contributes to anxiety. The CDC recommends no more than 1-2 drinks per day. These recommendations are general and everyone has a different tolerance level for alcohol so pay attention to your own consumption. Also, to assess whether you are experiencing alcohol dependence, take some time off and see how you feel. If you can’t skip a few days, you may have a bigger issue than you realize. In this case, seek help from a professional.

Try these techniques to limit alcohol consumption:

1. Plan ahead. Decide what you’re going to drink before you get started. Maybe you’ll skip wine with dinner because you are going out for a cocktail afterward.

2. Slow down. Sip your margarita. Order a glass of water in between if you consume more than one alcoholic beverage.

3. Eat food. Filling up on food allows your body to absorb alcohol more gradually. Fats and proteins are especially useful for slowing the process down. On the other hand, skip the salty snacks that will make you thirstier and more dehydrated.

4. Enjoy other activities. If you’re used to bar hopping on date nights, go for a hike or visit a science museum instead. Spend your leisure time working on hobbies rather than drinking beer while watching TV.

5. Resist social pressure. Rehearse what to say if someone asks why you’re turning down a drink. Let your family and friends know you’re cutting back but will still be present socially.

6. Take time off. Celebrate Dry January or the abstinence days of your choice. Taking a break from alcohol gives your body and mind time to recover.

Other Tips for Coping with Anxiety

Using alcohol to manage anxiety is likely to backfire.

Replace cocktails with strategies that are safer and more effective, such as these:

1. Take sensible risks. Avoiding things that scare you may be adding to your anxiety. Facing your fears teaches you that you’re strong enough to handle life’s challenges. Start with small projects and work your way up.

2. Get enough sleep. You’re more resilient when you’re well rested. Aim for 7 to 8 hours of high-quality sleep each night.

3. Eat nourishing foods. Your diet can help you to relax. Use foods rich in fiber to stabilize your blood sugar. Experiment with foods high in certain minerals, like leafy greens for magnesium and egg yolks for zinc.

4. Exercise regularly. Working out is a great way to use up nervous energy and benefit your mood.

5. Seek help. Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues, affecting almost 20% of the adult population and folks from historically excluded communities like LGBTQ+ and Black folks experience even higher rates of anxiety. Search for therapists who have experience treating anxiety and substance abuse issues and also have an understanding of your cultural experience. You may need to target all these areas in order to avoid relapses and to experience deeper healing.

If you’re struggling with anxiety, a glass of wine may relax you in the short term, but it’s still important to deal with underlying issues. Talk with a professional if you need more help adopting healthy strategies for managing stress.